Original Creative
Conversion Rate
Conversion rate after
employing Quant Insights :
New Pre-Launch optimization method:
Old Post-Launch optimization methods:
We collate trillions of Ad Creatives from major platforms such as Facebook, Google Display Instagram and Twitter.
The Quant AI Engine deconstructs every Ad into individual text and image elements -analysing, categorising, and tagging trillions of data points
Next we compare each element toad performance data, such as engagement metrics, impressions, conversions, spend over time and much more
Finally, we rank the highest performing ad elements in each category, converting data into rich creative insights. It's these insights that help inform your next ad campaign.
Anyone responsible for domestic or international creative generation.
Marketers use our insights to learn what has truly worked within their industry. Using the insights to reduce risk and improve ROI.
Creative teams use them at the point of design to help inform creative development.
No. Each creative insights report is based on impossibly large data sets.
These data sets also renew annually, so what is happening in the market today will be different to a year from now.
These insights are designed to compliment your current creative workflow. They simply inform better creative decisions at the creative development phase.
Every brand design has its must haves:
Yes, many .... You can scroll through our site to get a feel for our clients. Results have varied between 33 - 300% ROI.
The more clients lean into the insights “creatively’ the better the outcomes for ROI.
We have several case studies supporting this with visuals and client testimonials